Community, Compassion & Caring
Unlock Your Potential Inc-DBA G.L.A.D.Y.S.E. was created by Unlocked Potential LLC. Unlocked Potential Inc-DBA G.L.A.D.Y.S.E. is a non profit 501c3 that receives funding to support various aspects of our youth sports programs and community in Arizona. We accept donations and sponsors from businesses and individuals. All donations and sponsors are tax deductible and all donors receive a 501(c)(3) donation receipt for your tax filings. Your contribution to Unlock Your Potential Inc-DBA GLADYSE directly supports our youth athletes and community events. All donations will help us to: -Scholarship kids that cannot financially afford youth sports programs (for any sport they would like to be involved in).
Invest In Flagstaff
It is important to our Non Profit Organization that we help contribute and commit to helping uplift our community in Northern Arizona.
Donate to one of our annual scholarships!
Sponsor a travel team, league or one of our tournaments
Make a donation.
Make a donation to our annual Christmas Toy Drive.
Funding for essential materials & supplies like uniforms, apparel, shoes, training, equipment and
Financing for travel expenses for players, families, and coaches.
Expenses for hiring professional coaches, trainers & youth development specialists for various programs.
Supporting other non-profit organizations, local businesses, development issues and community events
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